Service Guide - Business Stage and Add-ons

At Talotic, we believe in setting a new standard for trust and reliability. Our commitment to you is simple: no hidden costs, no empty promises. With our flat pricing and all-inclusive services, you get exactly what you pay for—nothing more, nothing less.

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Professional Website Design

Create a compelling online presence with Talotic’s professional website design service. You get:

  • Custom Website Design: Tailored to your business, including up to 8 pages like Home, About Us, Services, and more.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for all devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Content Integration: We’ll place and optimize your provided text, images, and videos.
  • User-Friendly Features: Includes a contact form and social media integration.
  • Review & Feedback: One round of revisions based on your feedback.
  • Launch & Training: We’ll deploy your site and provide a one-hour training session for ongoing management.

Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.

SEO Setup

Enhance your website’s visibility with Talotic’s SEO setup service. You get:

  • Keyword Research: Targeting relevant industry keywords.
  • On-Page Optimization: Optimizing titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content.
  • Image Optimization: Fast-loading images with appropriate alt text.
  • Internal Linking: Strategic internal links to improve navigation and SEO.
  • SEO Audit Report: Detailed insights and recommendations for ongoing improvement.

Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.

Social Media Setup & Brand Kit

Establish a strong social media presence with Talotic’s setup and brand kit service. You get:

  • Account Creation: Set up on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • Profile Optimization: Consistent branding elements and updated contact information.
  • Branded Graphics: Custom-designed cover photos, profile images, and other visual assets.
  • Initial Posts: Engaging content to kickstart your social media presence.

Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.

Branding Kit

Build a strong brand identity with Talotic’s Branding Kit. You get:

  • Brand Consultation: Understanding your vision, values, and target audience.
  • Logo Design: Creation of a primary logo and variations.
  • Color Palette & Typography: Development of cohesive color and typography to reflect your brand identity.
  • Brand Guidelines Document: Usage guidelines for maintaining brand consistency.
  • Digital Assets: Delivery of logos, color codes, font files, and other essential branding elements.

Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.

Data Encryption & Enhanced Security Setup

Protect your website with Talotic’s security setup. You get:

  • Security Consultation: Assessment of your security needs and potential vulnerabilities.
  • SSL Certificate Installation: Secure data transmission.
  • Firewall & Malware Protection: Essential measures to safeguard your website from attacks.
  • Security Plugins Configuration: Monitoring and protection plugins.
  • Security Audit Report: Comprehensive audit with ongoing protection recommendations.

Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.

Analytics Tools Setup

Gain valuable insights with Talotic’s analytics tools setup. You get:

  • Consultation: Define your analytics needs and goals.
  • Google Analytics Setup: Track performance, user behavior, and conversion rates.
  • Goal & Conversion Tracking: Specific goals and conversion tracking.
  • Custom Dashboards: Monitor key metrics easily.
  • Training & Documentation: Training session and comprehensive documentation to help you make the most of your analytics tools.

Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.

Initial Market Research

Prepare your business for a successful launch with comprehensive market research. You get:

  • Market Analysis: Insights into market size, trends, and growth potential.
  • Customer Segmentation: Identification and profiling of key customer segments.
  • Competitive Landscape: Analysis of competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning.
  • Report & Recommendations: A comprehensive report with actionable insights for market entry.

Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.

Business Planning & Competitor Analysis

Develop a robust business plan and understand your competition. You get:

  • Business Plan Development: Detailed plan including market analysis, marketing strategy, and financial projections.
  • Competitor Analysis: In-depth analysis of top competitors and their strategies.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Presentation & Review: Professional presentation format with one round of revisions.
Go-to-Market Strategy

Ensure a successful product launch with a tailored strategy. You get:

  • Market Entry Strategy: Development of positioning, messaging, and value proposition.
  • Channel Strategy: Identification of effective distribution and sales channels.
  • Marketing Plan: Outline of initial marketing activities and campaigns.
  • Performance Metrics: Definition of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.
Strategic Planning for Initial Operations

Optimize your business operations from the start. You get:

  • Operations Plan: Strategic plan for initial operations, including workflow processes and timelines.
  • Operational Guidelines: Creation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for key business functions.
  • Risk Management: Identification and mitigation of potential operational risks.
Initial CRM Setup

Establish a robust CRM system to manage customer relationships effectively. You get:

  • CRM Selection: Assistance in selecting the most suitable CRM platform.
  • CRM Configuration: Setup and configuration, including custom fields and workflows.
  • Data Import: Import of existing customer data.
  • Training Session: A one-hour session to help your team utilize the CRM effectively.
Predictive Analytics

Establish a robust CRM system to manage customer relationships effectively. You get:

  • CRM Selection: Assistance in selecting the most suitable CRM platform.
  • CRM Configuration: Setup and configuration, including custom fields and workflows.
  • Data Import: Import of existing customer data.
  • Training Session: A one-hour session to help your team utilize the CRM effectively.
AI Scenario Planning

Prepare for various business scenarios with AI-driven planning. You get:

  • Scenario Modeling: Development of multiple business scenarios using AI models.
  • Impact Assessment: Evaluation of potential impacts on your business.
  • Strategic Recommendations: Insights for mitigating risks and capitalizing on opportunities.
Customer Feedback Analysis

Gain valuable insights from customer feedback with AI-driven analysis. You get:

  • Sentiment Analysis: Application of AI techniques to analyze feedback sentiment.
  • Theme Identification: Identification of common themes and issues.
  • Actionable Insights: Recommendations for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Sentiment Analysis

Understand the emotions behind customer interactions. You get:

  • Sentiment Model Development: AI models to analyze customer sentiment.
  • Sentiment Report: Detailed report highlighting positive, neutral, and negative sentiments.
  • Actionable Insights: Recommendations to improve customer experience and engagement.


Comprehensive SEO Strategy

Boost your online visibility and drive organic traffic. You get:

  • SEO Audit: Identify website strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
  • Keyword Research: Find high-impact keywords for your industry.
  • On-Page Optimization: Optimize up to 10 pages with target keywords.
  • Technical SEO: Improve site speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall health.
  • Backlink Strategy: Acquire high-quality backlinks.
  • Reporting & Recommendations: Detailed report with findings and strategic recommendations.
Content Marketing Strategy

Attract and engage your audience with a targeted content marketing strategy. You get:

  • Content Audit: Identify gaps and opportunities in your existing content.
  • Strategy Development: Create a comprehensive content marketing strategy.
  • Editorial Calendar: Plan content topics and publishing schedule for three months.
  • Content Guidelines: Ensure consistency in tone, style, and formatting.
  • Reporting & Recommendations: Detailed strategy document with actionable recommendations.
Blog Posts

Publish engaging and SEO-friendly blog posts. You get:

  • Research: In-depth research to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  • Writing: 600-800 word blog posts tailored to your audience.
  • Revisions: Up to two rounds of revisions based on feedback.
  • Publishing: Assistance with publishing the blog post on your website.

Deliver informative and well-researched articles. You get:

  • Research: Comprehensive research to ensure depth and accuracy.
  • Writing: 800-1,000 word articles tailored to your audience.
  • Revisions: Up to two rounds of revisions based on feedback.
  • Publishing: Assistance with publishing the article on your website or other platforms.
AI Avatar-Video

Create engaging AI avatar videos to captivate your audience. You get:

  • Script Writing: Compelling script tailored to your message and audience.
  • AI Avatar Creation: Customized AI avatar to deliver your message.
  • Video Production: High-quality video including background, animations, and effects.
  • Revisions: Up to two rounds of revisions based on feedback.
  • Final Video: Delivery in your preferred format.
Customer Feedback Systems

Gather valuable insights and improve your services. You get:

  • System Setup: Configuration of feedback collection tools.
  • Integration: Integrate feedback tools with your website and other platforms.
  • Training: Help your team use the feedback system effectively.
  • Reporting & Recommendations: Actionable insights and recommendations based on collected feedback.
Email Marketing & Campaign Setup

Engage your audience and drive conversions with effective email marketing campaigns. You get:

  • Email List Setup: Import and segment your email list.
  • Campaign Design: Up to three email templates optimized for engagement and conversions.
  • Automation Setup: Automated email sequences for welcome, follow-up, and promotional emails.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Track campaign performance.
  • Training Session: Help your team manage and optimize email campaigns.
CRM Systems Implementation

Enhance customer relationship management. You get:

  • CRM Selection: Assistance in selecting the most suitable CRM platform.
  • Configuration: Setup and configuration, including custom fields and workflows.
  • Data Migration: Secure migration of existing customer data.
  • Training Session: Ensure effective use of the CRM system.
Workflow Automation Tools

Streamline operations with workflow automation tools. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the best automation tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implement automation tools to streamline workflows.
  • Integration: Integrate with existing systems and applications.
  • Training Session: Help your team utilize the automation tools effectively.
Advanced Threat Detection

Protect your business from cyber threats. You get:

  • Threat Detection Setup: Implement advanced threat detection tools.
  • Configuration: Customize threat detection settings.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Real-time alerts for detected threats.
  • Training Session: Help your team use threat detection tools effectively.
Regular Security Audits

Ensure ongoing business security with regular audits. You get:

  • Audit Execution: Thorough security audit to identify vulnerabilities and risks.
  • Reporting: Detailed audit report with findings and recommended actions.
Regular Performance Reports

Monitor and optimize business performance with regular reports. You get:

  • Report Setup: Configuration of performance tracking tools.
  • Monthly Reports: Comprehensive performance reports highlighting key metrics and trends.
Live Chat System

Improve customer engagement and support with a live chat system. You get:

  • System Selection: Assistance in choosing the best live chat platform.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implement and configure the live chat system.
  • Customization: Customize chat settings, including automated responses and branding.
  • Training Session: Help your support team use the live chat system effectively.
Real-Time Dynamic Pricing Tools

Optimize your pricing strategy. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the most suitable dynamic pricing tool.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implement and configure the dynamic pricing tool.
  • Integration: Integrate with existing sales and inventory systems.
AI-Driven Promotion Strategies

Enhance marketing efforts with AI-driven promotion strategies. You get:

  • Strategy Development: Customized promotion strategies using AI tools.
  • Tool Setup: Implement AI tools to automate and optimize promotional campaigns.
AI Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Improve customer engagement with AI chatbots and virtual assistants. You get:

  • Bot Design: Custom design and development of AI chatbots.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implement and configure chatbots on your website or customer service platform.
Customer Journey Mapping

Understand and optimize your customer journey. You get:

  • Journey Mapping: Detailed customer journey maps highlighting key touchpoints and opportunities.
  • Strategy Development: Recommendations for improving customer experience and engagement.
AI-Driven Content Personalization

Enhance customer engagement with personalized content. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the best AI tools for content personalization.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implement and configure AI tools to personalize content. Note: Flexible to add or remove services as needed.


Digital Transformation Roadmap

Develop a comprehensive plan for your digital journey. You get:

  • Assessment: Detailed analysis of current processes, technologies, and pain points.
  • Roadmap Creation: Step-by-step roadmap with timelines and milestones.
  • Strategy Development: Key initiatives and strategies for digital transformation.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of the roadmap and recommendations
Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response

Ensure security with continuous monitoring and incident response. You get:

  • Continuous Monitoring: 24/7 monitoring of systems to detect and respond to threats.
  • Incident Response: Immediate action and remediation for security incidents.
  • Monthly Reports: Detailed reports on system health, threats, and responses.
Advanced Data Encryption

Protect sensitive data with advanced encryption techniques. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the best encryption tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation and configuration of data encryption.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with existing data systems.
Marketing Automation Tools

Streamline marketing efforts with automation tools. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the best marketing automation tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation of tools to automate campaigns.
  • Integration: Integration with existing marketing platforms and CRM systems.
Sales Automation Platforms

Enhance sales processes with automation platforms. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the best sales automation platforms.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation of sales automation tools.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with CRM and sales management systems.
Multi-Channel Campaign Management

Manage marketing campaigns across multiple channels. You get:

  • Strategy Development: Comprehensive multi-channel campaign strategy.
  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the best campaign management tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation of campaign management tools.
E-commerce Platform Development

Develop a robust e-commerce platform tailored to your needs. You get:

  • Platform Selection: Assistance in selecting the best e-commerce platform.
  • Design and Development: Custom design and development of the e-commerce site.
  • Feature Implementation: Integration of essential e-commerce features.
Secure Payment Gateway Integration

Integrate secure payment gateways for smooth transactions. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting the best payment gateways.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation and configuration of payment gateways.
  • Security Measures: Ensure compliance with PCI DSS standards.
AI-Driven Customer Service Solutions

Enhance customer service with AI-driven solutions. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting AI-driven customer service tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation of AI tools on your platform.
  • Customization: Tailoring AI tools to reflect your brand’s voice.
Multichannel Support Integration

Provide seamless customer support across multiple channels. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting multichannel support tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation of chosen support tools.
  • Integration: Integration with existing customer service platforms.
AI-Driven Predictive Analytics

Enhance decision-making with AI-driven predictive analytics. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting predictive analytics tools.
  • Data Integration: Integration of existing data sources.
  • Model Development: Custom predictive models tailored to your needs.
AI Tools for Recruitment and Performance Management

Optimize recruitment and performance with AI tools. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting AI-driven tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation and configuration of AI tools.
  • Customization: Tailoring tools to your recruitment criteria and performance metrics.
AI-Enhanced Fraud Detection

Enhance fraud detection with AI-powered solutions. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting fraud detection tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation and configuration of AI tools.
  • Customization: Tailoring tools to address specific fraud risks.
Real-Time Fraud Detection and Prevention

Implement real-time fraud detection mechanisms using AI. You get:

  • Tool Selection: Assistance in selecting real-time fraud detection tools.
  • Setup and Configuration: Implementation of chosen tools for real-time detection.
  • Customization: Tailoring tools to detect and prevent fraud in real-time scenarios.


AI-Powered Customer Insights

Unlock deep customer insights using AI for strategic advantage.

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Harness AI to understand customer behavior and preferences.
  • Tailored Strategies: Develop precise strategies based on data-driven insights.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Visualize trends and insights with easy-to-use dashboards.
CX Optimization

Enhance customer experience with advanced strategies and tools.

  • Customized Solutions: Tailor CX tools to align with your customer journey.
  • Real-time Feedback: Utilize tools to monitor and improve CX continuously.
  • Training and Support: Equip your team with the knowledge to use CX tools effectively.
Loyalty Program

Boost customer retention and engagement with a robust loyalty program.

  • Strategic Design: Create a loyalty program that aligns with your business goals.
  • Custom Features: Tailor program features to meet customer preferences.
  • Performance Monitoring: Track program effectiveness and make data-driven adjustments.
Sustainable IT Practices

Implement sustainable IT practices to reduce environmental impact and enhance efficiency.

  • Customized Strategy: Develop a sustainability plan tailored to your IT operations.
  • Efficient Technologies: Adopt energy-efficient tools and practices.
  • Training and Monitoring: Ensure your team can effectively implement and track sustainability initiatives.
Energy-Efficient Technologies

Minimize energy consumption with advanced technologies.

  • Assessment and Recommendations: Evaluate current energy use and recommend improvements.
  • Implementation Plan: Integrate energy-efficient technologies into your operations.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Track energy savings and make necessary adjustments.
Eco-Friendly Digital Transformation

Guide your business through a sustainable digital transformation.

  • Strategic Planning: Develop a comprehensive eco-friendly digital strategy.
  • Sustainable Tools: Select and implement eco-friendly digital platforms.
  • Metrics and Monitoring: Measure and optimize the sustainability impact of your transformation.
Green Initiatives Promotion

Effectively promote your green initiatives to enhance brand image.

  • Strategic Content: Develop promotional materials highlighting your green efforts.
  • Effective Tools: Utilize the best tools to disseminate your green initiatives.
  • Impact Tracking: Monitor the effectiveness of your promotional efforts.
Sustainability Analytics

Track and optimize your sustainability efforts with advanced analytics.

  • Data Integration: Consolidate sustainability data for comprehensive analysis.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Visualize sustainability metrics for easy interpretation.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use insights to continually enhance sustainability initiatives.


Business Registration Assistance

Streamline your business registration process at provincial or federal levels across Canada and the US.

  • Expert Guidance: Personalized consultation to navigate the registration process.
  • Document Preparation: Assistance in organizing and preparing all necessary documents.
  • Filing Services: Submission of documents to relevant authorities ensuring compliance.
  • Post-Registration Support: Continued assistance to address any questions or issues.

Note: Flexible service options available.

Custom Automation Workflow

Enhance operational efficiency with tailored automation workflows.

  • Tailored Workflows: Design and implement custom workflows to streamline key processes.
  • Setup and Testing: Comprehensive setup and testing to ensure functionality.
  • Team Training: Equip your team with the skills to manage and maintain workflows.

Note: Flexible service options available.

Conversational AI Chatbot

Deploy a smart AI chatbot to enhance customer engagement and handle inquiries automatically.

  • Custom Chatbot: Design and configure a chatbot tailored to your business needs.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with existing systems for smooth operation.
  • Ongoing Support: Continuous support to ensure optimal chatbot performance.

Note: Flexible service options available.

Email Marketing Setup

Boost customer engagement and conversions with professional email marketing campaigns.

  • Platform Selection: Choose the best email marketing platform for your needs.
  • Campaign Design: Design and implement engaging email campaigns.
  • Training and Support: Equip your team to manage and optimize email campaigns.

Note: Flexible service options available.

Website Maintenance

Ensure your website runs smoothly with comprehensive maintenance and support.

  • Regular Updates: Keep your website software, plugins, and security patches up to date.
  • Performance Monitoring: Continuous monitoring to maintain optimal website performance.
  • Security Checks: Regular security audits to identify and resolve vulnerabilities.

Note: Flexible service options available.

Business Email Setup

Establish professional business email accounts with seamless configuration and support.

  • Professional Setup: Configure business email accounts using your domain.
  • Migration Services: Migrate existing emails to new accounts as needed.
  • Team Training: Train your team to effectively use and manage business email accounts.

Note: Flexible service options available.

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